OFFER! Buy two and get a FREE pocket angel
Free Angel Stone
When you buy two 50ml bottles of Angel Oil for muscle or joint pain relief, Zoë will also send you a pocket angel that she's energetically activated as a healing talisman.
Angel Oil Original is a powerful essential oil blend designed to relieve pain and stiffness in joints and muscles, it's especially popular with our clients who have arthritis.
This product is formulated by intuitive healer and aromatherapist Zoë Henderson along with a medical herbalist, perfumer, biologist, and aromatherapy chemist.
Essential oils work through the olfactory system (sense of smell) and are also absorbed through the skin and carried through the blood stream to stimulate the body’s own natural healing and balancing process.
Massage a few drops of the essential oil remedy into the affected areas, each morning and evening. If the pain is particularly bad, keep applying throughout the day as often as possible until inflammation reduces and pain lessens. Do not miss a day when the pain has disappeared and mobility returned. As well as massaging into the affected area, it is also beneficial to apply the oil to the skin just before soaking in a hot bath.
Contents: 50ml pure essential oils of Juniper, Rosemary, Marjoram, Wild Black Pepper. Botanical names: Juniperus Communis, Rosmarinus Officinalis, Origanum Vulgare, and Piper Nigrum.
"What can I say? We have a very extraordinary pharmacy here in Eaux Vives, Geneva. They also have a remedy for the Arthritis, but it is only helping a little with the pain. Your Arthritis Oil is extraordinary: it does not only kill the pain, but it heels the swellings of the swollen parts on the fingers. If you use it regularly, it will keep your hands free of the terrible suffering. You see, I cannot live without it, dearest Zoe. Thank you so very much."
Carola, Geneva, July 2020