How nature can help raise our frequency and restore balance I am always telling my clients to get outside and into nature! My daily walk is a must to help create balance and focus my mind. Many cultures have long recognized the importance of the connecting to the natural world as a way to improve our physiological and psychological health. During the 1980s the Japanese government conducted an exercise called shinrin-yoku, translated as “forest bathing” or “taking in the forest atmosphere” to see how a spending time in nature, away from tech, pollution and the stresses and sensory overload of the modern world could help improve the health of its population – and guess what?! It worked! Results of Japanese studies have shown forest bathing improves both physical and mental well-being such as; sleep quality, mood, ability to focus, and stress levels. Even Japanese doctors prescribe forest bathing! ‘Everything in life is a vibration’ Albert Einstein But what is it about being in nature and amongst the trees that helps makes us feel better? Humans and the universe and inextricably linked – everything is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds - faster, slower, higher and lower. Being in nature, your body more easily tunes into the Earth’s natural frequency, which is around 7.83 hertz, and can restore, revitalise, and heal itself more effectively. Interestingly, 7.83 hertz is also the human brain’s average alpha frequency. Alpha waves, induce relaxation but not quite meditation. So, we know it’s good for us, but how do we practice of Forest Bathing? Forest Bathing can be as simple as walking in any natural environment and consciously connecting with what’s around you. This sensory experience can provide a great alternative for people who struggle with meditation. Forest Bathing How To: Sit or stand if you want to. Take a moment to appreciate your surroundings and listen to the sounds around you: twittering birds, rustling brush, trickling streams. Breathe in clean, fragrant air and soak in the sights of the textured ground and the shapes of the leaves in the sky. Touch the soft, green moss carpeting the shaded stones, or the rough bark on the trees. Let the stillness around you influence your state of mind and make you forget the constant motion of day to day life. Mother Nature is so clever, get outdoors today, tune into Earth’s frequency and connect with the universe. Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM/Facebook Messenger etc. - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here or email me at [email protected]. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer and ToTok also work very well. PPS Follow me on my Facebook page here or on my Angel Oil Facebook page at Source: Japan Travel | National Geographic / Brain World Magazine
Here we are in what is traditionally the month of romance - chocolates, flowers, red hearts, cherubic angels with arrows, and all that. I feel though, that this year Covid has us seeing everything in a different light. It's hard to get carried away by Valentine's Day nonsense when so many people are struggling, when so many people are grieving loved ones, when so many are lonely and isolated. This is why I am suggesting we make this month about self-love and self-care. Forget buying chocolates and flowers for someone else, buy them for yourself! I urge you to really take care of yourself this month, in the way the most attentive lover would look after you. This is why this month's free healing meditations are on self-love and romance.
LOVE MEDITATIONS: Don't miss my two free, half-hour meditations this month, we'll be healing love - clearing out any blocks you may have to both loving yourself and attracting romance into your life.
We CHOOSE LOVE this Valentine's Day Choose Love is a charity which does whatever it takes to provide refugees and displaced people with everything from lifesaving search and rescue boats to food and legal advice. Started by one young woman just five years ago, it's now a fast-paced global movement across 15 countries that has reached one million refugees and raised tens of millions for nearly 150 organisations providing vital support at every stage along migration routes from Europe to the Middle East and along the US-Mexico border. Here at Angel Oil HQ, we LOVE this organisation so much that we are donating 10 per cent of all Angel Oil sales to Choose Love for February - the month of love. Instead of buy chocolates or flowers for your beloved this month, why not go to the Choose Love store and buy a gift for a refugee on their behalf? |