Today is Mother’s Day, which in the UK can quite often get muddled-up with Mothering Sunday, a religious holiday. Although the two are quite different, one marketing led, one founded on returning to your ‘mother’ church, they do share the same desire to return home - to reconnect with the source of our childhood, comfort, security, love, community. And this got me thinking about the role of the ‘feminine’, how we navigate the world and what we can ALL do to draw on the power of the ‘divine feminine’ or ‘sacred feminine’’ at this challenging time to find strength and balance.
So what is ‘divine feminine’? ‘Divine feminine’ we talk about here does not relate to gender - it is not available only to ‘women’, this is about energy - the feminine energy which exists in all of us. We all have masculine (doing and achieving) and feminine (nurture, healing) energy within us and they can’t exist without each other, they should complement each other, like yin and yang. Finding the balance is what we should aim for. ‘The divine feminine is a way of aligning with the vibrant love of the universe and channelling that through your body into creating, connecting, or loving — and it’s accessible to everyone, because no matter what, we all have a body… Divine feminine energy is about uplifting that which has been denigrated in our society.’ Edgar Fabian Frias, multidisciplinary artist, educator and psychotherapist. The divine feminine has manifested itself across many cultures and traditions over millennia, from Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and of course, Greek mythology. No matter how we choose to represent the divine feminine, the foundation of this energy remains the same, this energy is about intuition, the softer skills, which in our patriarchal led society can be seen as weak and passive. But we know better than this. Author, Gabriela Herstick describes the Divine Feminine as a ‘creative and life-giving energy within all of us that gives form to that which we care about and put our energy into… Goddess is the moon, the earth, the sea, the desert, poetry, art, love — it represents that which is felt and not thought.’ We know the strength that comes from compassion and collaboration, from creativity, acceptance and forgiveness. We need to restore the equilibrium between the masculine and the feminine for our own happiness and for the health of our planet. Remember there is power in giving and collaboration just as there is in individual ambition and achievement. Find ways to connect, collaborate and give back with your community, friends and family. Learn to listen to your intuition, recognise how you feel with certain decisions or in different situations. Connect with your heart and find the beauty and joy in the everyday and the ordinary. And of course, the best way to find and strengthen your sacred feminine energy is to reconnect with nature. Spiritual author Shannon Kaiser says ‘We can instantly connect with the sacred feminine energy by spending time with Mother Earth. In nature, the feminine creative energy runs wild—its physical beauty is visible. Even five minutes of fresh air or a short walk barefoot in the grass can be enough soul food to awaken your divine feminine.’ So why not take some time this Easter to reawaken your sacred feminine and see the changes it makes to the way you experience and interact with the the world. Lots of love, Zoë xx * Source: / / Photo Credit: Oliver Pacas @unsplash