Albert Einstein told us that ‘reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one.’ But can what we see, feel and hear really be a figment of our imagination? And how can stepping outside of our ‘reality’ actually improve our experience of it?
First of all we need to understand what the ‘world’ is made of and how we fit into it, in other words, quantum physics! The original, unquestioned assumption that the physical world we experience, was indeed physical, led scientists to search for the ‘point particle’ upon which all life was built. This search, and subsequent experiments, revealed that the foundations of the physical world are actually made of energy - everything is made of energy! Our reality is an energetic one - the solar-system image of electors and protons as little solid orbs whizzing around each other we are so familiar with, does not apply, as energy they have no physical size - more ‘events’ than things. It is possible that unless some ‘agency’ interferes, particles remain in a probabilistic energy-wave state and reality as we experience it seems to be the results of human consciousness interacting with the quantium levels of existence that are pure waves of energy.* So if our reality is actually energetic information that the brain receives and translates into an image, then it would follow that we have the opportunity to create our reality! The possibilities are endless - limitless! But where to begin? First we need to find the right frequency. Ideally we want to reach Theta (4-8 hz). Theta brain waves govern the part of our mind that lies between the conscious and the unconscious, which is when we are at our most creative and conducive to visualiation. So let’s start with a lovely, short meditation* to ground and relax us:
You are a ball of white light in the middle of your chest. Your eyes are closed.
My dear friend, Tamara Pitelen is trained in the ThetaHealing Technique®. To learn more about Theta Healing and book a session with Tamara, click here. Lots of love, Zoë xx PS. Don’t forget our new brand The Blend is now live! Our launch range includes a gorgeous pure organic essential oil rollerball trio formulated to help you find balance, calm and better sleep. And a 100% soy wax and pure essential oil blend meditation candle. Both are available to shop today! And to ensure we are part of the drive for change, we will donate a percentage of profits from the sale of our oils to The Menopause Charity. Click here to learn more and shop our launch products today. Following us on Instagram: @theblend_essentialoils * Source: / / / Photo Credit: Getty Images