![]() Hello Darling! Here we are on the cusp of 2021. At last, how exciting! There's a lot of hope riding on this new year, isn't there? And I'm sure that you, like me, are praying for an easier time of it in this new year - tentative high hopes! Regardless of what is going on in the world at large though, I believe that now is a good time to remember that you hold the reins of your life and your happiness. So if you really do want to shake things up in your life in this coming year; if you want to transform emotionally, physically, spiritually and/or mentally, then you need to address what's keeping you stuck. What better time to do it than the start of fresh new year? This is a wonderful time to take stock, to evaluate where you're at and plan for where you want to be. The good news is that the only thing keeping you stuck is your own subconscious beliefs. It's not your boss who's keeping you stuck, or your partner, or your children, or your job, or your finances, or your health... it's your thoughts. Shift your subconscious patterning and your life cannot do anything but follow suite. In other words, it is impossible for your life to stay the same if you change your thinking. So, how do you do that? First you identify the type of limiting beliefs that you have rattling around in your subconscious mind; beliefs that are fuelling self-sabotage behaviour, second, you use one of the many methods available to evict these thoughts from your brain, methods like NLP, EFT Tapping, journaling, ThetaHealing, and more. As an example, I'll give you a link to a DIY 5-step process for releasing limiting beliefs, below. The stumbling block for many of us is identifying our limiting beliefs because most of us are blind to them, even though they're the kind of things we often repeat - we think these beliefs are facts (eg, 'all the best women/men are already taken', 'women in my industry never make much money', 'nothing ever works out for me', ''I'm too old/too young to get that promotion', 'I'm too old/too young to change careers', 'it's too late for me, I should've done it years ago', 'I've never been able to lose weight before so I won't be able to in future', and so on.) As well though, limiting beliefs are like a Jenga Tower, they are stacked on top of each other and you have to get to the ones at the bottom before the whole tower comes tumbling down. So let's start unpacking some of your limiting beliefs. Choose one thing that you want in life. Do you want a new relationship? Weight-loss? A new job? Getting out of debt? A career change? Overseas travel? To write a book? To start your own business? Now, without thinking about it, I want you to take note of the first answer that comes to mind when you read the next question. Question: This thing you want, why don’t you have it already? Whatever comes out of your mouth next is a limiting belief or fear, eg, ‘I don't have the time', 'I don't have the money', 'I don't have the talent', 'I procrastinate too much', 'nothing ever works out for me’, ‘My body is determined to stay fat no matter what I do…’, 'Maybe I'm destined to be single all my like, I don't think The One exists for me...' And this top-of-the-Jenga-stack belief is where you start your unpacking. First, simply ask 'What if it's not true? What if it's not true that [I can't lose weight/can't change jobs/can't start my own business etc] What if I CAN have this in my life? And even if I can't see how that's possible right now, maybe there is a way, maybe it is possible...' Second, ask yourself 'where did my limiting belief come from?' and look to your childhood. Limiting beliefs and fears are formed by past experiences and imprints from other people, eg, ‘everyone in my family is fat’, 'I failed before and I'll fail again', 'in our family we have to struggle to get by'... An imprinted belief is one you've simply absorbed from someone else, usually a parent, and taken it on as a truth. So if your mother or father always said to you, 'no, we can't afford it...' you will most likely absorb this scarcity belief and possibly spend your life playing it out as your own financial problems. Third, and very importantly, ask yourself, 'how does holding onto this belief serve me?' This is where many of us stumble; we cannot see any good reason for holding onto a limiting belief. But if the belief is there, you are keeping it for a reason. For example, 'rich people are mean and greedy; I'd rather have less money but be a nice person', or 'if I get a new career it would take up all my time and my marriage would break-down, just like my parents' marriage', or 'If I found The One, he/she would leave me and the rejection would be unbearable, it's safer to stay single'... We are all in some way trapped by our own minds as explained in this article by Mike Bundrant of the iNLP Center. Called Trapped by Your Mind? Learn This Five Step Process for Releasing Limiting Beliefs, Mike offers a simple DIY process for self-healing. But if you think you need some help with releasing your old programming, find a professional healer and book a session. To work on this with me, click here to book. AND HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Lots of love, Zoë xx PS I am offering guidance and healing sessions over Skype/Zoom/Facetime/BOTIM/Facebook Messenger etc. - get in touch if you'd like to book an appointment! Just click here. For Dubai clients, I've found that Teamviewer and ToTok also work very well. PPS Follow me on my Facebook page here www.facebook.com/zoehendersonhealer
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